About Us

About LifeStyle - Manandari.asia
     Manandari.asia is a different site from all other websites and blogs. It was designed and started  to discover all about our culture and our style. The Manandari.asia is an exclusive site to discover a person lifestyle in his/her real life. People  writes here the review of their own life style’s . Especially our Life Style(Manandari.asia) goal is to tell all about the Peoples with different cultures, different  styles of wearing clothes, food ,style and  fashion etc..! 

    Special highlight of Manandari.Asia: Everyone is interested to tell their interests and their regular things and special moments and about Life Style by writing posts.

    We are inviting here all for telling about our & your life style. We are interested to build this blog with 100 of contributors. And we are also interested in visitor guest posting option. If you are interested to write a guest post please contact to us. 

Do not forget to visit regularly yours & ours Manandari.asia. It’s fully loaded with Peoples and with the stories of  their moments and about our Life Style!